Monday 17 May 2021

 Captured German aircraft being shipped from Cherbourg, France to Newark, New Jersey aboard the American-built British escort carrier HMS Reaper as part of Operation Seahorse. Other aircraft and equipment were shipped aboard the Liberty-class merchant ship SS Richard J. Gatling.

Here are all the aircraft carried aboard the Reaper from July 19-August 1, 1945: Ten Me 262s, Five Focke-Wulf 190 Fs, Four Focke-Wulf 190 Ds, One Focke-Wulf Ta, 152 Four Arado Ar 234s, Three Heinkel He 219s, Three Messerschmitt Bf 109s, Two Dornier Do 335s, Two Bücker Bü 181s, One Doblhoff WNF 342, Two Flettner Fl 282s, One Junkers Ju 88 G, One Junkers Ju 388, One Messerschmitt Bf 108, One North American P-51 Mustang.  

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